Reef Lodge Backpackers Townsville

Sunday, 29 March 2015

"Berko" and Educating backpackers at Reef Lodge Townsville in Australian slang.

"Australian Slang" He was going berko for absolutely no reason!

Sounds a bit like me at 3am when some drunken A/Hole is causing no end of trouble and then wonders why I decide he needs to leave the hostel.

Berko seems to have come from the word berserk which was derived from the Norse warriors the "Berserkas." These  Nordic warriors would work themselves into an insane furry prior to battle  through a combination of dance /chants/ alcohol and it is thought psychoactive drugs. This would give the warriors an violent blood-lust, great strength and an immunity to pain. For this reason these warriors would continue fighting even when mortally injured or against overwhelming odds.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Museum of Tropical Qld with the following great events. Just over the road from the Reef Lodfge Backpackers Townsville

A busy weekend coming up for the  Museum of Tropical Qld with the following great events:

Friday March 20

Image: Carlos Perez Naval, Spain. Stinger in the sun
Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition
Come along to a special FREE preview of the international Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition on Friday March 20 from 5pm to 7.30pm. The Museum is the only Queensland venue to host this exhibition and it features over 100 extraordinary wildlife images from around the world.

Admission is free.

Phone 4726 0600 or visit for more information.
Opens Saturday 21 March

Image: Carlos Perez Naval, Spain. Stinger in the sun
Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition
Check out the international Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition from Saturday 21 March. The Museum is the only Queensland venue to host this exhibition and it features over 100 extraordinary wildlife images from around the world. Ends May 17.

FREE entry for Townsville and Burdekin locals on Saturday 21 March, then normal admission applies, free for members.

Phone 4726 0600 or visit for more information.

Saturday March 21
Harmony Day Celebrations
Visit the Museum of Tropical Queensland on Saturday March 21 for dynamic performances, interactive demonstrations and international food tastings to celebrate this year’s Harmony Day.

FREE entry for Townsville and Burdekin locals on Saturday 21 March, free for members.

Phone 4726 0600 or visit for more information.

Sunday March 22

Image: Photograph by Mark Horvath
Wildlife photography talk
Visit us for a wildlife photography talk by local birdo and photographer Mark Horvath on Sunday 22 March at 12pm. Learn about the gear needed for successful wildlife photography as well as camera settings and accessories, techniques for approaching and capturing great images and finally how to critique your own images.

Normal admission applies, free for members.

Phone 4726 0600 for more information.

Talks and Tours
Learn more about our visiting and permanent exhibitions in these daily presentations. 10.30am, 11.30am, 12pm & 1.30pm.

Normal admission applies, free for members.
Running Out the Gun
Learn to load and fire a cannon with your friends and family each day at 11am and 2.30pm. Under the supervision of the Gun Captain, try to hit the enemy ship in record time. Age 8+, covered shoes must be worn.

Normal admission applies, free for members.

Photograph by Mark Horvath.jpg

Photograph by Mark Horvath.jpg

Friday, 13 March 2015

Another thing to do in Townsville is to "dodge a snake" and Blast off with the Belcher’s Sea Snake, a class of their own.

 Townsville has some of the most dangerous snakes in the world. Happily they are usually fairly timid or don't live anywhere near us.

Top 10 Most Venomous Snakes

Coming in at number 10 is the "Rattlesnake"
 Coming at number 10 is Americas one and only Rattle Snake and is a member of the Pit Viper family. They are able to strike a distance equel to 2/3 of their body length.  Potentionally fatel if not treated with antivenin, when applied reduces the death rate to 4%.

At number 9 is the "Death Adder"

The "Death Adder" is native to Australia and New Guinea. These snakes actually hunt other snakes, including some in the top 10, and usually ambush their prey. Death Adders look similar to other vipers, with their triangular heads and short bodies. If untreated Death Adder bites are one of the most lethal in the world. Antivenin is successful in treating Death Adder bites, due largely to the relatively slow progression of the toxin. Prior to antivenin Death Adder bite fatalities were around 50%. At 0.13 of a second the Death Adder has the quickest strike in the world.

Next is the "Saw Scaled Viper" at number 8.
Found throughout the world, with the most venomous being the Saw Scaled Viper as well the Chain Viper, found in the Middle East, Central Asia, India, China and South East Asia. Viper snakes are quick tempered and generally roam around at night, and active most often after rains.  Death  may occur from 1 to 14 days after the bite from septicemia or cardiac failure.

The "Philippine Cobra" comes in at number 7
The Philippine Cobra is the exception of all Cobras making this list. These snakes are capable of spitting up to 3 meters and its venom is the most deadly of all the Cobra's.

6 is the "Tiger Snake" and the second of the Australian contingent.
The Tiger snake is found in Australia and has a very potent venom. Death can occur within 30 minutes of being bitten, but normally takes from 6-24 hours. Fatality rate from Tiger snakes was  between 60-70% prior to the advent of an antivenin. The Tiger snake are generally timid however will become aggressive if cornered

"Black Mamba" is next at number 5
The Black Mamba is found and feared throughout much of the African continent. They can be very aggressive, and strike with deadly accuracy. Also the fastest land snake in the world and can reach speeds speeds up to 20km/h. These snakes can strike up to 12 times in a row. One bite is capable of killing 10-25 adults.  Prior to antivenin, the death rate was almost 100%. Death can occur within 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Back to Australia at number 4 is the "Coastal Taipan"
Another Australian entry. The venom of the Taipan is strong enough to kill up to 100 fully grown men. The venom clots the victim’s blood, blocking arteries or veins. Before the advent of an antivenin, there are no known survivors of a Taipan bite, and death occurs within the hour.

There are 2 sub-spesies being the "Inland Taipan"and "Coastal Taipan."Taipans are similar to the African "Black Mamba."

3rd from the top is the "Blue Krait"
The Malayan or Blue Krait are found in South East Asia and Indonesia, 50% of bites from these are fatal, even with the advent of antivenin. These snakes hunt and kill other snakes, even eating their own species. A nocturnal breed, and very aggressive at night. They are generally a quite timid and would attempt to hide than fight. The venom is 16 times more toxic than a Cobra. Bites from Kraits are rare due as they tend to be nocturnal. Fatality rate were 85% prior to antvenom even then you are far from guaranteed survival. Death will occur from 6-12 hours of a bite.

2 Eastern Brown Snake
With just 1/14,000 of an ounce of this venom it will kill an adult male. 
Sadly their habitat is also the major population areas of Australia. The are fast moving snakes, and can be very aggressive as well they have been known to chase people. Juveniles can even kill an adult human. Luckily for us,only  half of their bites contain venom as they prefer to not bite if possible. They react movement, so stand still if should your encounter one and wait till it leaves.

At number 1 is the "Fierce Snake" or "Inland Taipan."
Although a sub species the "Inland Taipan" has a spot of its own and is the most poisonous of all land snake. One bite is enough to kill up to 100 people. They are10 times more toxic than the "Mojave" Rattlesnake, and 50 times more than a Cobra.Lucky for us, Inland Taipans arn't overly agressive aggressive and and rarely seen by people. There have been no deaths ever recorded, although potentially could kill an adult in approximately 45 minutes.

Blast off with the Belcher’s Sea Snake, a class of their own.
 With just a few milligrams and enough to kill 1000 people! The worlds most venomous snake. Thankfully less than 25% of bites contain any venom, as well they are docile. Fisherman are often  victims of these snakes, when they encounter them they pull in nets. Found in the waters of Northern Australia and South East Asia.

Thank you to wikipedia and for the information.

For all your accommodation in Townsville ask at the reception at Reef Lodge Backpackers Townsville, Queensland Australia. Or, contact us through our website  Phone 07 47 211 112 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Customers lost in the depths of the minds black hole and 13 years at Reef Lodge backpackers ;OD

Do you ever get the feeling the words that come out of your mouth get lost in the depths of the minds black hole.

After so many years of people asking question about all sorts of things and inability of people to comprehend the answer only ask the question with the rebounding same answer. Never seems to defy my logic. When customers come in and I explain how to get to their room!

Only to be asked in the next breath "So how do I get to my room?"


So when I went to Gecko's today I could help but laugh at this!

Thank-you for the good giggle ;OD

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Wombats of Australia there are 3 species. Reef Lodge Backpackers Townsville

Native to Australia, Wombats are large marsupials that burrow. wombat are divided into three species:

Bared-nosed wombat,
 (Vombatus ursinus) More broadly named the Common Wombat cruises around the east-coast of Australia atarting at northern New South Wales all the way to the south-east of South Australia.  Bare nosed wombats also inhabit Tasmania. Aso found in southern Queensland the current status is they are not endangered but these stats vary from state to state and in different areas are listed as ’threatened’.

Southern hairy-nosed wombat
 (Lasiorhinus latifrons) is found west of the Murray River South Australia and across the Nullarbor to  the border of Western Australia. They are a dry land species they are not endangered in South Australia but listed as endangered in NSW with populations fragmented from properties where they are eradicated or under threat.

For more about these little guys try
Northern hairy-nosed wombat.(Critically endangered)
(Lasiorhinus krefftii) These little guys have a limited range of the Epping Forests Queensland nad with a total remaining individuals thought to be less than 200. There fore its status is one of the most critically endangered mammals on earth. It is the aim of the Natural History Society’s to stop this from happening to the southern hairy-nosed or the bare-nosed wombats and have taken great efforts to preserve as much of their habitat as they can  and to try and allow them to live undisturbed by human population.

Reef Lodge Backpackers