Reef Lodge Backpackers Townsville

Saturday 2 January 2016

Why tourists should visit "Townsville" and "Magnetic Island" May you be bitten by the "adventure travel bug" not the predictable common "travel bug!"

Seems many people  pass through Townsville to get to "Magnetic Island" or on their way to "Cairns" in the north or "Arlie Beach" to the south. Sadly "Townsville" is often an after thought, and many people say "Oh, I wish we had more time, but they told us in #destinationwithheld# not to bother staying in Townsville as there is nothing there unless you really wanted to see "Magnetic Island."

Seems this is a catch cry of many other destinations in and around "North Queensland" and sadly damages not only "Townsvilles" reputation as a destination by baring false witness to the region, but also is causing resentment from the tourist when they realise that the person or businesses who told them this was absolutely wrong.

The way I see it is, the regions outside of Townsville have only one reason to say such things, they want the almighty dollar to stay with them, and by telling them not to bother to go to "Townsville" or "Magnetic Island" then they will probably stay an extra night in their current town or city. Problem with this is you end up with customers making comments about these people like:

Customer Quote "That asshole in #destinationwithheld# told me not to stay Townsville, and that Magnetic Island was only worth a 1 or 2 night stay at most. Now I can't rearrange my flights, bus,  or accommodation. I wish I could have stayed longer."

Here at the Reef Lodge backpackers in Townsville we try to get tourists the best possible experience of "North Queensland" and "Australia" in as many places they wish to stay and encourage people to even look off the beaten track, to explore towns and regions outside the norm. From the western towns like "Charters Towers" with its rich gold mining history or the ghost-town of "Ravenswood." People traveling from the other side of the world should want to experience Australia not be led by the nose or the money in their pocket to see only what will turn the mighty dollar in their wallets. We can give you ideas and put you touch with the people who know, but we believe that the best memories of your holiday in Australia are going to be the ones you didn't plan.

May all of your holidays be memorable, both good and bad and may you be bitten by the "ADVENTURE TRAVEL BUG!" not the predictable and now common "travel bug."

If your looking to stay in Townsville please free to contact us below:





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